Well...it's been a while! Lots of things going on with us these days.
We went on vacation to Myrtle Beach, which was alot of fun. We found out that the new baby is a GIRL! I am 24 weeks...so not much longer to go.
AJ is definitely COMMUNICATING with us...he has a combination of English, Spanish and sign language...
English Words: Uh-Oh, Wow, Puppy (which sounds like buppy), Shut, "Let's see!",
He hit Andy the other day and I told him to say I'm Sorry, and he did!
Spanish Words: Si. He doesnt say anything else, but knows where his cabeza (head) is, and different objects (ball, etc) in spanish.
Sign words: He signs all-done, more, and please.
Here is are some cute pics from vacation...
