We have toured the state and gone to three different pumpkin patches / apple orchards. Each one was lots of fun and they were all very different! AJ was able to enjoy the fall (summer) weather and pick out pumpkins with both sets of Grandparents!
Johansen Farm, Bolingbrook, IL

Ooooh...a tiny baby chick...

I touched it with ONE finger...nice and gentle...I'm going to make a great big brother!

I was watching a mama goat with her babies...

Me & Grandma on a hay ride!

Hay ride! Not so rural with the houses in the background...

Kuipers Family Farm, not sure where, ILLINOIS
This was a yummy apple!

Family Photo

Hay stack maze

Tractor Time!

These tires were fun to climb on!

Corn sand box...

Tanners, Speer, IL (Peoria)

Me & Grandpa at the Pumpkin Patch

This is fun!

I was tired of walking through all the pumpkins...time to get a ride!