Well, as you can see, I have not posted to the blog in almost 2 months! Guess things have been busy! October flew by, and November is almost gone..I can't believe Thanksgiving is this week!
Well, for Halloween, I took a 1/2 day and went with AJ up to Andy's office to show him off in his monkey costume...he was adorable and was very interested in a little girl dressed as a butterfly. AJ also went with his Grandma & Grandpa H to the country club with his aunts and cousin to celebrate Halloween while Andy and I were at a Bears game with Nick & Lauren.

We had a great time at the Bears game, and from the pictures and stories we heard from the country club event, AJ had a great time at the Halloween celebration.
We also went downtown for lunch for Grandma N's birthday with Grandma and Grandpa N and Nick & Lauren. Then, we went to the Shedd Aquarium, which was a great time! AJ really enjoyed all the fish and the colors!

Today, we just got back from going to the Ringling Brothers circus downtown. AJ was very good, and enjoyed the first half. He fell asleep at intermission and then the human cannon ball woke him up for the finale!
And, last but not least, we had the official 6 month checkup and have been cleared of all pneumonia, no longer have to do breathing treatments 2/day (the month of that was hard). And, AJ weights 19 pounds, 7 ounces and is 26" long. He is 75th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height...but we think he is taller than they measured. Also, he has a tooth that is now starting to try to break through...so we officially begin the "teething stage"!
So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone...I will try to keep this up to date more often so it is not a page long when I post!
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